I jammed my hands underneath my pillow and pressed my body into my mattress. My body ached, like I hadn’t stopped moving for years. I felt deprived of motivation and energy to get up out of bed. I reached for my phone on my nightstand and Googled the word ‘burnout.’

Burnout, a psychological term that refers to long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in work. Burnout, the result of chronic occupational stress. The American Psychological Association studies stress in the United States.

According to its 2015 study, stress levels in the United States have seen a slight increase in the past two years and Millennials are the most stressed out generation in the United States. The study also suggests that regardless of gender, both men and women rate money and work as significant sources of stress.

I accepted my burnout in the summer of 2013 and experienced my first recovery process at that time. It was pretty intense.

I can stay in my “Happy Place” when I allow myself the space and time to stop and recover

Since that time, whenever I feel myself getting close to my burnout line, I stop what I’m doing to recharge immediately. It’s much easier to stay in the magical flow of life and in my “Happy Place” when I allow myself the space and time to stop and recover.

Here are my Top 10 favorite burnout recovery tips!

Meditate: Sit in a quiet room for 20 minutes and focus on your breathing. Meditation is known to reduce anxiety. Researches studied the effects that meditation has on anxiety in a report that was published in the 2013 edition of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. The study shows that meditation reduced anxiety ratings by as much as 39 percent.

Communicate: It helps to connect. Old friends are like corner puzzle pieces. Find them. Catch up and let them know how they can support you through this time.

Write: Writing can be used as a way to release all the emotions you’re experiencing right now. Make a list of everything you’re burdened by. Can you connect the burden to the emotion? This will help you identify what in your life you should examine more closely at a later time. Put the list away and revisit suggestion 1 – 4.


Take a dip: If you can, opt for a swim the ocean. Let the tide carry away every tired cell within your body. Let the healing properties of the salt water lift your energy. If you can’t get near an ocean, go buy sea salt at the grocery store. Put a cup of sea salt in the bath tub and sit in it for 15 minutes.

Move: The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that even five minutes of aerobic exercise can elevate and stabilize moods and decrease overall levels of tension and stress. Turn on Justin Timberlake and Dance Dance Dance around your living room to increase your mood!


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Power Down: Turn off all electronics for as many hours as you can and watch old comedies that make you laugh uncontrollably. By disengaging from technology, we reprogram our habits and create boundaries with our work.

Laugh: If turning off your tablet or phone is too uncomfortable for you at first, watch YouTube videos that has nothing to do with your day job. Laughter is honestly one of the best remedies. It can lead to crying, which is also really good for you! Let your body laugh until you cry!

Play: We’re told to go outside and play as kids. Playing increases our mood, brain function, reduces our stress and shifts our moods. Head to your nearest amusement park and get yourself a ticket! Tap into your inner child and remember what it felt like to not work so hard!


Try Essential Oils: I became a huge fan of essential oils during my burnout phase. Lavender is my favorite for stress reduction. Dabble a few drops of lavender on your wrists and let your body rest. Essential oils have increased in popularity with companies like doTerra and Young Living. There are many health benefits to using oils. The Mayo Clinic News Network recently reported lavender and rose oils to help pregnant women decrease labor anxiety.

Practice Gratitude: According to The Greater Good Science Center grateful brains show enhanced activity in two primary regions associated with emotional processing, interpersonal bonding and rewarding social interactions. Practice being grateful and your relationships will increase, giving you more play time and better communication!

Happy recovering! Your body will love you back for getting rid of burnout. Mine did.

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